What service window, wheeled mall kiosk, restaurant counter, kitchen window, casework shelving, or cabana bar opening do you need to protect?
Rolling shutters are often used by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) as they incorporate the QMI security shutters into the design of their kiosks, cabinets, and even airplane jet ways. QMI shutters can be found in most every large US airport. If one is stuck with hours to kill late at night in an airport, take a look at the bookshelves, kiosks, and food counters– odds are pretty good you will see security roller shutters with QMI labels. During the day, the shutters disappear into the integrated box housing and no one knows they exist, even while reaching into the displays to grab a sandwich, candy, or a book.
Rolling shutters are a great application for areas that require a door, but don’t have the space for a hinged or overhead door. Roll top desks are a good example of the space savings from a roll up door. When open, these desks don’t even appear to have a door, but close them and the mess is gone in an instant. QMI Security Solutions’ engineers work very hard making the curtain slats able to roll up into a tighter concentric circle around ever smaller and stronger drive tubes. The newest AL7 aluminum shutters fit a 92” tall shutter in just a 7″ box (most mfrs. require 10″+) housing and 129” tall in an 8” box. These are some of the smallest roll diameters in the industry. These smaller roll sizes enable the QMI shutters to integrate into other manufacturer products. QMI also manufactures shutters up to 26 feet wide. These are typically recessed above a drop ceiling and descend through a ceiling slot.
The San Francisco Airport recently installed a group of kiosks full of See’s Candy that are freestanding in the middle of a gate area. Customers can freely shop around the curved kiosks and have total access to see and to smell the confections. Upon closing time, the merchandise, and even the cash register, is quickly protected with perforated QMI rolling shutters. With the interior kiosk lighting, the See’s Candy merchandise is still visible to potential customers who may return upon opening. QMI offers several perforation patterns with their aluminum shutters, available from 24% to 39% openness. (The P51 24% pattern was used for See’s Candy)
Additionally, QMI’s Transparoll shutters or polycarbonate slat curtain inserts offer up to 85% visibility while still maintaining high levels of security. Retailers may choose to completely open the shutters for full customer access or to keep the curtains closed until a customer requests a product from the secure area. The higher visibility polycarbonate inserts and Transparoll are recommended for areas where retailers choose to limit product access. The two polycarbonate products are 250 times stronger than glass of the same thickness, so no worries about smashing through these nearly transparent shutters.
Outdoor applications with security requirements are easily accomplished with QMI roll shutters. Unlike garage doors, with large tracks and sliding doors, the rolling shutters require very little headroom. Most high school concession booths utilize a rolling shutter as they provide high security, are somewhat weather-tight, and require little head room. In fact, the head box may be placed either inside the building or out over the face of the opening. Unlike unsightly and oily garage door tracks, the roll shutter side tracks are color matched and are only 1″ thick since no rollers are required. QMI security shutters have a patented end retention track system where each slat in the curtain is captured by the track and virtually impossible to pry or to hit the curtain out of the side track. When the shutter is open, the track blends with the sides of the building opening and is not apparent.
Many airport jet ways also incorporate the QMI rolling shutter at the ends of the large openings. They provide excellent security, but also are effective at blocking cold wind and driving rain. Once again, the small roll up diameter and color matched box housing makes this product the perfect choice for this application. It’s so perfect, you probably never noticed them. Rolling security shutters are everywhere if you know where to look. Where would a roll up shutter be a better solution to incorporate into your product?